One-Legged Parrot makes the complex uncomplicated. Our founder spent over thirty years as a practicing lawyer, presenting interwoven legalities and fact patterns to judges and juries. He took that skill and worked as a freelancer in publications that reached millions of readers. He has also published as a ghost writer, under confidentiality agreements.
Since 2016, our founder has written widely read essays describing politics and culture with insights and analysis not available in mainstream sources. For those who wish to understand the middle-American perspective that led to the Trump presidency, some of those essays will be posted here.
Located on five rolling acres in the heart of the Zeitgeist (Butler, Pennsylvania), One-Legged Parrot is a marketing/consulting firm that understands what is happening from a gut level, not easily reached in polls and surveys.
Consumers trade in the world of complexities. But complexities have their own jargon, language, and descriptions that are inaccessible to some sellers. The worst thing businesses can do is "dumb it down." That diminishes the brand and is seen as condescending.
If you need to advocate for yourself or your company, we will do it for you -- and we are discreet. You need words that engage the reader. We understand better than most the tastes, preferences, and concerns that drive Americans. Please contact us and let’s work together!